Your AI Search Engine, Personalized

Transform search into your private intelligence

Control Beyond Searching



Unlock insights from documents, like BI for data

Answer Directly with Source

Search the web or local KB with the query and generate an answer with source references

Answer Directly with Source

Search the web or local KB with the query and generate an answer with source references

Search Matching Docs

Return top segements that match the query with links to the original documents.

Search Matching Docs

Return top segements that match the query with links to the original documents.

Extract Structured Data

Extra structured data from web or local KB search results, making a good sheet

Extract Structured Data

Extra structured data from web or local KB search results, making a good sheet

Search and Smart Digest

When interested in a topic, you can generate a digest article

Search and Smart Digest

When interested in a topic, you can generate a digest article

Knowledge Base

Transform every search into a private, intelligent knowledge base

Knowledge Base

Transform every search into a private, intelligent knowledge base

LLM Customization

Tailor LLM to your unique needs for precise, efficient results.

LLM Customization

Tailor LLM to your unique needs for precise, efficient results.

How it works

Seamless efficient journey to achieve your goals


New AI Search, Instantly Familiar

Discover a powerful search experience that feels natural and transforms how you find and interact with information.

Answer Directly

Answer Directly

Answer Directly


Beyond Traditional Search Limits

Unlock advanced AI-powered features that expand the boundaries of intelligent information retrieval.k advanced features and capabilities that go beyond what Perplexity offers.

Search Matching Documents

Extract Structured Data


Structured Data

Search and Smart Digest


Build Your Knowledge

Save every search and create a personalized knowledge base for future reference.

Start your journey today

Start your journey today